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Product life span Epoxy ,Polyurethane used in concrete repair

Shelf Life of our concrete crack/repair and Injection products.
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Crack Injection Polyurethanes

102 Polyurethane is the most used low-pressure crack injection polyurethane that we provide.
We will guarantee its shelf life for 1 year of an order providing it does not freeze. Short-term freezing will not affect the product but heat the cartridge before use. Multiple freezing of if the product or it is older than 1 year it may start to crystallize on the A side you will need to test sample. Test by purging a small part of a tube without a mixer in a paper cup, mix by hand and add several drops of water in the process. If the 102 does not foam more than 3 times its volume in 5 minutes discard do not inject. Should the dark side of the 102 gel or thicken heat up to at least 85 deg F (30 deg C) then test. Store at room temperature.

100/800 High-Pressure Polyurethane

We will guarantee its shelf life for 1 year of an order providing it does not freeze. Short term freezing will not affect the product, but you should always test if in doubt. Test by adding a small amount into a paper cup and add some activator and stir in a few drops of water, the product should start to foam within 5 minutes. If the product thickens heat up to at least 85 deg F (30 deg C) then test product before use.
Tip as the product ages it may require more activator to get the desired results. It is also recommended that the 100/800 be at least room temperature before injection begins.


Structural Foam 120

120 Structural foam is guaranteed for 1-year order date providing it does not freeze. Short term freezing will not affect the product but heat cartridge before use. Multiple freezing of the product or it is older than 1 year it may start to crystallize on the A side you will need to test sample. Test small amount in a paper cup and hand mix if it does not expand at least 10 times its original volume size do not use. Store at room temperature.

NextStar 103 Polyurethane Foam

103 foam is guaranteed for 1-year order date providing it does not freeze. Short term freezing will not affect the product but heat cartridge before use. Multiple freezing of the product or it is older than 1 year it may start to crystallize on the A side you will need to test sample. Test small amount in a paper cup and hand mix if it does not expand at least 12 times its original volume size do not use. Store at room temperature.

Koster 2N1 Polyurethane Resin

The Koster 2N1 polyurethane only has a shelf life of 6 months, you should be able to see air from the top of both sides of the tube easily move to bottom when inverted. If a partial tube was used and recapped do not use if later opened if the darker side B has gelled do not use it will plug the static mixer and not mix correctly.
This product gets the best results for very small cracks by always heating cartridge before use and avoid any possibility of freezing as each time it will thicken. If you have purchased jugs, make sure to keep the lids airtight as air flow will thicken the B side and shorten its life span.


Epoxy Injection product life spans.

All 1:1 Ratio 121 32 Degree cure Epoxies Low Viscosity, Medium Viscosity, Extra High Viscosity

Also known as LV, MV, EHV, HV

We will guarantee the shelf life for 1 year of an order providing it does not freeze. Short term freezing will not affect the products, but they should be preheated before use. Age or multiple freezings will cause one side of the cartridge to start to crystallize, during injection it will plug mixer if this happens, discard and do not inject. Even though product information states that these products start to gel within 20 minutes of injection the highest viscosity will gel first and the lowest last. These epoxies have the advantage that they will cure down to freezing while standard epoxies require at least 40 deg f or 10 c to start to cure.


Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy ULV, #4 or 40 cps

This epoxy is a 2:1 ratio product and has a guaranteed shelf life of 1 year but in practice, it has lasted much longer if kept at room temperature. As the product ages, the B side odor will get stronger but does not affect it performance. Always consider that it may take up to 4 days to cure or to gel and much longer to fully harden. Avoid warming much above room temperature as mixing any volumes any warmer may set off an exothermic reaction and the epoxy will heat up and gel in only a few minutes.


101 Injection Paste

This epoxy is a 2:1 ratio product and has a guaranteed shelf life of 1 year but in practice, it has lasted much longer if kept at room temperature, always heat before injection. If not heated it may be near impossible to use a manual tool to dispense.


Surface crack and Port Paste

901, 903 and 302 We will guarantee their shelf life for 1 year. This paste can always be heated to make the application smoother and speed up cure time before injection. As this product gets past its shelf life it will start to get lumpy but that should not affect its use, the heating reduces the chance of that happening.


HM 300 Grouting Epoxy.

We will guarantee its shelf life for 1 year. This paste can always be heated to make application smoother and speed up cure time before hand mixing. The Epoxy Grout allows for the addition of sand or gravel to achieve the desired result.


Specialty Concrete Repair Products.

Roadware 10 Minute Mender

for slab and structural concrete repair
This Hybrid Urethane 1:1 ratio product and has guaranteed shelf life of 1 year but in practice it has lasted much longer if kept at room temperature or slightly cooler temperature. If disposing mix what is left of the A/B product together to solidify before disposal.


Roadware Matchcrete Clear

This decorative concrete repair clear hybrid product is guaranteed for 1 year from order date and should not be used after that time frame. Undesired color and cure may result. So testing before use is standard practice with this product to ensure desired results since it is used to do decorative repairs. If disposing mix what is left of the A/B product together to solidify before disposal.


E555 Hybrid Urethane for slab cracks

We will guarantee E555 shelf life for 1 year but since one side of the tube has a pigment in it the cartridge must be heated and shaken vigorously to remix the pigment in before each use. It is also recommended if you are only using a partial tube that you must use a flow restrictor to reduce cross-contamination between the cartridge sides.

NextStar Products details for the shelf life span of our Concrete Crack Repair and Injection products. Storage tips and testing and before use. Life span of Epoxy, Polyurethanes, Polyurea and Hybrid Urethane repair products.
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