• picture of a concrete  bowed basement foundation wall

    Bowed Cracked Block Wall Repair

    Bowed Walls

    Cracked bowed block wall repair using Unidirectional carbon fiber that is ideal for lowering the cost of basement wall repairs on block foundations. Stop movement before more damage is caused with horizontal crack repair.

  • Quality carbon fiber concrete wall repair products

    Concrete Reinforcement


    Need to know how to repair a bowed concrete block basement wall ? Our specialized 12inch wide carbon fiber straps offers the best in Block foundation reinforcement, with a very simple application process.

  • Nextstar 8 inch wide Carbon Fiber wall kit

    Stronger than Steel


    The Bigfoot Foundation Carbon Fiber Fabric an easy-to-use bowing concrete basement foundation kit. With many uses, it can also be used on irregular shapes like corners and any bowing walls. Used on horizontal or vertical crack repair problems.

  • Carbon strips / straps can retain value in your home.

    Bowed Cracked Block Wall Repair


    Repair your bowing or cracked foundation wall from outside soil pressure will add value and structural integrity to your homes basement. Used in Bowing or walls with Stair-Step cracks.

DIY - 12 Inch Carbon Fiber Basement Foundation bowed wall kits
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Bowed Block Wall Carbon Fiber Repair kit 12"x 54'ft BigFoot
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Bowed Block Wall Carbon Fiber Repair kit 12"x 54'ft BigFoot
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Bowed Block Wall Carbon Fiber Repair kit 12"x 54'ft BigFoot

Item #:NX1616
Ideal for Block walls
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12 Inch Wide Carbon Fiber Concrete Block Wall Strap Kit

Introducing Pro Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair

A powerful combination of Epoxy and Carbon fiber reinforcement kit.

54 ft 12in wide Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wall, Corner kit Includes:

Enough Carbon Fiber for six straps on a Block wall Enough Carbon Fiber for six straps 9ft tall (40ft of foundation wall)

54 ft 12 inch Unidirectional carbon fiber supplied 54 ft of 12-inch wide 300GSM approved unidirectional Carbon Fiber

3 quarts of carbon fiber saturation Epoxy 6 Quarts of Star-Tech Epoxy

Application accessories such as trays rollers, PPE etc provided 1 Tray, Rollers, Gloves & Misc items to Apply the Epoxy

Concrete anchors to aid in installation 10 concrete anchors for fabric installation

Complete instructional and technical support from Nextstar Technologies Instructions and free Technical support

Free ground shipping provided Low Cost Ground Shipping


Advantages of 12-inch wide straps for Concrete

  • Bowed Block Walls with horizontal or vertical cracking
  • Reinforcement around windows
  • Weak concrete like cinder block foundation problems
  • Can be used for Carbon Fiber Corner wall repair
  • Stair step cracks in concrete block walls
  • Used with Low strength-poured concrete
  • Easy-to-use kit that will result in professional results
  • Restores lateral strength to stabilize basement walls
  • Repair is simple and non-invasive.
  • Added life to the concrete basement foundation
  • Better than Woven Carbon fabric systems
  • Free Technical support from Nextstar


Ideal for bowed and cracked concrete cinder block walls including Stair-Step cracks. Carbon fiber Installed every 4ft along the foundation wall will prevent re-cracking and stabilize your block concrete wall. The 12-inch wide unidirectional fiber will provide the greatest support for these types of walls. Cinder concrete block was popular for many years but insufficient in many homes as a foundation. Over the years, these walls tend to break at the mortar joints in areas with expansive soils and frost. Wider straps provide and account for this weaker concrete construction.

This is an easy-to-use Carbon Fiber Foundation repair kit designed to reinforce up to 40 ft of the Block wall. When strapped and bonded every 4 ft. A 12-inch wide strap provides more bonding surface area than our competitors. The higher surface area allows the carbon fiber wall straps to hold a more lateral load of the foundation wall. The Professional Carbon Fiber Block Wall Repair Kit offers the most dependable permanent repair solution for cracked bowing poured concrete or block foundation walls.

If you have a cracked or slightly bowed wall, you need to make use of the advantages and effectiveness of Carbon Fiber Straps.


This is an easy-to-use Carbon Fiber Foundation repair kit designed to reinforce up to 40 ft of wall. When strapped and bonded every 4 ft. The kit is ideal for Bowed wall support for Block or Poured cracked foundation walls. An 8-inch wide strap provides more bonding surface area than our competitors. The higher surface area allows the carbon fiber wall straps to hold a more lateral load of the foundation wall. The Professional Carbon Fiber Wall Repair Kit offers the most dependable permanent repair solution for cracked bowing poured concrete or block foundation walls.

If you have a cracked or slightly bowed wall, you need to make use of the advantages and usefulness of Carbon Fiber Straps.

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Design

Most carbon fiber foundation repair kit manufacturers make use of a bidirectional fiber system, wherein the carbon fibers are woven into a pattern. Although this creates a visually appealing design, it is more flexible and under load. The woven fibers allow for too much movement as they bend. As tensile force is applied to carbon fiber, the bent fibers try to straighten out, which reduces their strength and effectiveness. For a Bowed foundation wall, you want the repair to be as stiff as possible, stabilizing movement.

For these reasons, no other foundation wall reinforcement in the construction industry comes even close in strength, stability, and durability. This makes it the best choice for repairing foundation walls and basement walls.



1. Measure the wall for placement of the wall straps to avoid exceeding 4ft spacing and placing straps on both sides of any windows.
Example picture of basement foundation wall that is cracked, bowed and has two windows
Example placement of strapping with obstacles in the way

2. Prepare the wall using a hand grinder with a diamond cup wheel with a dust shroud and vacuum. These tools can be rented in most areas. Grind from the top of the wall to the floor a 9-inch wide at each location.

3. Vacuum the ground wall areas very well to remove all dust.

4. Mix a batch of Carbon Fiber Resin epoxy and using the roller apply to the wall.

5. Apply Epoxy to the side of the carbon fiber to be bonded to the wall.

6. Place the Unidirectional carbon fiber strap to the epoxied concrete wall.

7. Apply more epoxy to the surface of the strap and using a trowel force the epoxy through the strap. Move to the next strap.



Q. When Would I Use Different Sizes of Carbon Fiber Straps?

A. For MCU Block walls, 8inch and 12inch width provides the best support. For poured concrete is when 6in and 8in wide is used as the concrete itself is solid through the wall, unlike hollow block.

Q. What Causes a Bowed Wall to Bow?

A. This is caused by hydrostatic soil pressure from water-saturated soil, expansive soil, and when it freezes pushing against the foundation walls. This can take many years to develop but generally only gets worse over time.

Q. If I Apply the Straps at Less Than 4ft on Center Is That Better?

A. It can provide more support especially if the concrete is weak, small area, or there is extensive cracking.

Q. How is the carbon Fiber is supplied and how do I cut it into straps?

A. Unidirectional carbon fiber is supplied in uncut rolls and be cut with sharp scissors on any flat surface.

Q. How Are Stair Step Cracks Addressed?

A. A basement with this problem can apply two-strap layers, vertical and horizontal at the same location that will provide the least movement.

Q. Isn't the 12in 300GSM Carbon Weaker Vs a 6 in Wide Heaver 600 GSM Strap?

A. No, The concrete of a wall is the weak point. So using a wider strap spreads out the load to more surface area of the wall to reduce loading per given area. The concrete will fail long before the unidirectional carbon will. Having a small surface area will break the bond before a large area would.

Q. Some Kits Have a Metal Plate at the Top of Each Carbon Strap Is This Needed?

A. This depends, with block walls it allows the strap to attach to the sill plate. For a poured concrete wall this will not help. There are better solutions for most block walls. Top sill plate anchors can split the sill under load, Standard hurricane ties installed at every joist may help or and under-mounted plank would be better. This prevents the top of the foundation from slipping inward when the sill plate is missing or not attached.
better alternative to top of wall anchors in a basement

Q. What Is the Purpose of Bottom Wall Anchors?

A. In most installations, they are not required. For block, bottom anchors can act as sheer pins stopping a block from sliding inward. However, if the basement floor is poured up against the bottom course of block sheer is unlikely. Should the block start from the surface of the basement floor, a simple rebar angle iron can act as sheer pins.

Q. Can I Place Two Straps Side by Side Will This Be the Same As a Strap That Is Twice the Width?

A. Yes placing two unidirectional carbon fiber straps side by side is the same as one wider strap.

Q. How Does a Unidirectional Strap Hold a Bowing the Wall Up?

A. Straps bonded to the inside walls transfer and load across any cracking to a larger area. This in turn will bring the wall back to its original strength.




1. Always consider strapping a complete wall, one side of the foundation to get the most benefit from wall reinforcement.

2. Always strap both sides of any window openings.

3. Do not exceed the 4ft on center spacing of straps, but closer spacing adds to the reinforcement. If you have a window opening for example 3ft from a corner your first strap would be at 3 ft beside the window.

4. Any cracks on the wall where the carbon is applied need to be filled with something solid such as epoxy or cement grout.

5. Any cracks under window openings can be strapped horizontally under the opening and over the nearest vertical straps.

6. Top-of-wall support will be needed if the top sill plate or floor joists are sliding in. See the example of solving this.

7. If using these straps on a corner repair they are installed on the exterior mounted horizontally 2- 4 ft spacing.


Limited Lifetime Warranty


12in Carbon Fiber Straps for block basement walls. Bowed wall reinforcement kit with epoxy and carbon fiber. Complete instructions included. 12in wide straps offer optimal support for cinder block CMU.
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