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  • Basement and foundation crack repair for leaking basement foundations

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Concrete Cracks

    Premium Polyurethane foam or Epoxy injection for basement concrete foundation cracks, to stop leaking foundations or repair of structural foundation walls using Epoxy.

  • Picture of concrete floor crack repair using cartridge system

    Repair of broken concrete slab floors

    Slab Floors

    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete floor slabs. Solutions for structural repair of concrete slabs including carbon fiber solutions for reinforcement.

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    Carbon Fiber solutions for cracked or bowed concrete structurally reinforced with carbon fiber, stronger than steel but at a reduced cost. Carbon fiber provides a modern proven solution to an old problem and is easy to apply.

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Auto Injector for Polyurethane & Slow Setting Epoxy
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Auto Injector for Polyurethane & Slow Setting Epoxy
Item Name:

Auto Injector for Polyurethane & Slow Setting Epoxy

Item #:NX2816
$2.00 USD
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Auto-Injector Capsule for Polyurethanes & slow setting Epoxy

Automated easy system for injecting Single and 2 component polyurethane foams or slow setting epoxy resins.
These units will maintain constant pressure from 35- 40 psi 2.7bar allowing the application of product over extended times (24hrs) without personnel required to check the pressure.

Concrete Crack repair applications

  • 40ml content in each
  • Wide port surface to ensure good no leak bond
  • Refillable during injection
  • Constant injection pressure 35-40 psi
  • Easy to use for novice
  • Use in all positions even overhead
  • Designed for flat surface
  • Best choice for ultra-fine cracks

    Application showing autoinjectors in typical applicationAuto injector for polyurethane and epoxy low pressure injection


Auto-Injector capsules for self-injection pressures to 40 psi without special injection tools. Ideal for LV polyurethane foams or ULV slow setting epoxy. Perfect for a DIY one time repair.
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