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Category Multiple Cracks, Horizontal Cracks, Wide Cracks - in Concrete walls use EpoxyResults from soil settlement/movement around the foundation, ground freezing/thawing... When the foundation's structural integrity is compromised by either a large/wide crack or the buildup of multiple cracks within the same area, the added strength of epoxy injection is necessary. With the injection of epoxy into a foundation crack, the result is a repaired crack with concrete that is bonded together, and now significantly stronger than the existing foundation wall.
Cracked Concrete Basement Foundation Walls Horizontal cracks in the foundation or wall crack wider than a quarter of an inch are general hints that the crack may be structural. Structural cracks typically form as a result of wall movement from thermal changes, uneven loading and settling of the footing, soil pressure, and or soil shrinkage.
A foundation crack can be a homeowner's worst nightmare. Ignoring it can cause serious structural damage and costly repairs, as well as an unsightly blemish on your home's exterior. One common problem that arises with foundation cracks is water seepage, which can cause extensive damage to the interior of your house. This is why it is important to address any sign of foundation issues as soon as they show up. Epoxy crack injection for concrete foundations is a reliable solution to fix foundation flaws quickly and effectively. It is usually completed by contractors or homeowners alike following Nextstar directions to ensure total effectiveness in repairing the foundation issue. By taking this preventive step, you can avoid extensive long-term damage caused by the movement of soil or factors like ground freezing/thawing. Preventative measures It's important to know that not all foundation cracks require epoxy injection. Some may be minor and non-structural and can be fixed with simple DIY solutions like polyurethane foam. However, for larger horizontal or multiple cracks that may move over time and cause more damage if left unaddressed, epoxy injection is necessary. Homeowners should stay vigilant and deal with foundation issues promptly to prevent them from becoming more serious. If cracks in the foundation or walls are wider than a quarter of an inch, they may be structural and require attention. These types of cracks are often caused by wall movement from thermal changes, uneven loading and settling of the footing, and soil pressure or shrinkage. Epoxy concrete repair is an excellent choice for ensuring a solid foundation. Its tough formula provides ultimate strength and ability to restore the original strength. With the right components, tools, and steps according to our guide, you can achieve success in providing your home with the perfect solution. Cost of Foundation Crack RepairSupplies for Epoxy concrete foundation injection cost between $220 to $600 per 10ft of coverage on average. Hiring a contractor for the same repair costs about three times the material cost, ranging from $660 to $1800. Contractors have additional operational costs, such as insurance, travel, and compliance with worker occupational health rules. Epoxy Cement vs Epoxy MortarEpoxy Mortars and Epoxy Cements are used for large void areas or missing concrete areas of application . The epoxy is as strong or better that the original concrete. This method is different that injecting a concrete epoxy resin as it fills the defect from the inside out.
Leaking Cracked Basement Foundation Walls The key feature of Epoxy injection bonds walls together and fills cracks and voids to stop leaks in your foundation, structure, pool, or retaining wall.
Carbon Fiber and Epoxy 8-15 ft kit This kit is ideal for repairing cracks that are vertical/diagonal structural cracks in a wall. Epoxy is great for structural cracks but the added Carbon Fiber Stitches stop the possibility of the structure pulling itself apart. This kit will work on cracks up to 1/8 inch wide any larger would require some additional epoxy. This Kit can be used on any poured concrete wall, such as a basement foundation, footing, retaining wall, or pool structure.
10-60ft Pro Epoxy Injection Kit 6Upgradeable to 60ft Kit is upgradeable to 60ft and is perfect for users anticipating multiple repairs . This kit has professional-grade products and a simple injection tool that can be upgraded to the Spring-loaded Injection gun. It is a great starting kit for contractors. . The tool is also compatible with all our cartridge products, providing versatility for future repairs.
10 ft DIY UltraLow Visicoity, kit 3 for Ultra-Small Cracks Our epoxy is perfect for wall cracks less than 1/64 inch wide or leaking snap-ties and wire form ties. It sets slowly, allowing it to travel into the cracks before curing. With autoinjectors, there's no need for supervision, as they provide a constant 40lbs pressure and extend injection times, saving time.
Use with Carbon Fiber All poured cracked concrete walls should Always be injected with Epoxy if used with carbon fiber straps or stitches. Epoxy prevents crack compression and preserves carbon fiber strength. the added use of carbon fiber can prevent future failure of the concrete area. Uses: Poured Concrete walls and foundations.For repairing floors refer to our Slab and Concrete Floor section as the repair process is different. Category Items