• Concrete Epoxy crack injection repair kits

    Concrete Foundation Epoxy Crack Injection

    Epoxy Repair Kits

    Foundation Epoxy crack repair kits by Nextstar are your choice in concrete crack repair for foundations with structural problems. National # 1-866-445-3984

  • injection epoxy concrete repair kits

    Foundation Epoxy Crack Injection kits

    Epoxy Injection

    Epoxy concrete crack injection kits are used by contractors and professionals for foundations with structural cracks. Offering a solution to restore concrete to its original strength.

  • concrete foundation crack injection repair kit with epoxy

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Concrete Cracks

    Professional results with Polyurethane of leaking basement concrete cracks, Polyurethane foam is used for leaking foundations using the low pressure crack injection methods. Easy to use kits.

  • concrete foundation restoration and structural reinforcement

    Repair of Cracked foundation walls


    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete. Solutions for structural repair of concrete including carbon fiber solutions for reinforcement with Epoxy.

  • Low Pressure polyurethane crack injection

    Concrete Reinforcement

    Wall Flaws

    Epoxy injections allow permanent repair of wall spalls caused by unconsolidated concrete. They are weak spots in the wall and should be injected with epoxy. Typically found in ICF and poured concrete walls that were not vibrated when poured.

NextStar Epoxy Crack Foundation injection kit
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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRelated ItemsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Polyurethane Crack Injection Kit 10-60ft
10ft Pro Polyurethane Concrete Crack Injection Kit optional Upgrades to 60ft for Leaking foundation basement walls, Professionally repair concrete wall cracks from 1/32 to 3/8 in wide.
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$219.00 USD  $169.00 USD

Carbon Fiber Stitch Staple and Epoxy 8-15 ft Ultimate Repair Kit
The Ultimate kit to do a structural concrete wall crack repair kit. A combined kit of Epoxy Foundation Injection and Carbon Fiber Stitches to repair up to 15 ft of wall cracks in an easy to use kit.
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Epoxy Foundation Crack Repair Kit 10-60ft
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Epoxy concrete repair
Item Name:

Epoxy Foundation Crack Repair Kit 10-60ft

Item #:NX1312
Standard Epoxy Injection
$218.00 USD
$218.00 USD (Select your upgrade below)
Average Rating:
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem OptionsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
10 ft Standard Base Kit
20 ft kit (Add $120.00 USD)
30 ft Kit + (Add $227.00 USD)
60 ft Kit + (Add $581.00 USD)
Extra Injection Epoxy
1 Tube Save $6 (Add $29.00 USD)
2 Tubes Save $18 (Add $58.00 USD)
3 Tubes Save $42 (Add $72.00 USD)
Tool Option
Spring Assisted Injection Tool $61 Savings) (Add $35.00 USD)
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem PricePolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
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Concrete Foundation Leak Repair Made Easy

 Structural Epoxy for Concrete Walls

  • Structural foundation cracks Poured Concrete Basement Foundation Wall Cracks
    Structural problems Structural foundation cracks
    Broken concrete footingsBroken footing walls & supports
    Swimming pool repair Swimming pools
    ICF wall repair Wall spalls or concrete voids in ICF.
    Repair like a ProfessionalNo outside Digging required
    Support by NextStar Technologies NextStar Technical support

    Get professional results Professional results

Structural spider concrete foundation cracksStructural Foundation crack 

Base Kit Components 10 ft Epoxy Concrete Crack Repair kit

Professional grade polyurethane 2 Professional-Grade dual cartridge (600ml (20.2oz)ceach) containing Premium Epoxy 121 LV. Enough material to inject a 1/8" wide 8-10 ft long crack.
dual cartridge of sealing paste 1 cartridge of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 903 Paste.
dual cartridge injection tool 1  Dual Cartridge Injection tool
surface injection ports 15 Surface injection ports and caps – enough for an 8-12 ft. long crack, Optionally can be changed to Corner Ports
static mixing nozzles 3 - 1/4 x 32 element Static mixing nozzles & nut (for use with injection Epoxy)
crack injection feed hose Injection hose assembly with shut-off valve
mixing sticks Trowel and mixing sticks
mixing sticksSyringe of fast setting epoxy for blowouts
Safety PPE Safety goggles & 4 pairs of nitrile gloves
wire brush for cleaning the concrete crack Wire Brush 
Complete set of NextStar foundation repair instructions Complete instructions & instructional Flash Drive video & MSDS Safety Data
Free shipping North America Shipping! USA & Canada

Concrete crack wall repair kit options

A 20 ft Epoxy kit includes:

4 Professional-Grade dual cartridge (600 ml (20.2 oz) each) containing Premium Epoxy 121 LV.  Enough material to inject a 1/8" wide 20 ft long crack. 
2 Cartridges of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 903 paste
30 Surface injection ports and caps - enough for a 20 ft. long crack, Optionally can be changed to corner ports
5 - 1/4 x 32 element Static mixing nozzles & nut (for use with injection epoxy)
1 Injection hose assembly with shut-off valve
Trowel and mixing sticks
Syringe of fast setting epoxy for blowouts
Safety goggles & 4 pairs of nitrile gloves 
Wire brush and NX-300 Manual dual dispensing tool (300/300-150 ml)
Complete instructions and instructional Flash Drive video & MSDS Safety Data
Shipping! USA Canada

A 30 ft Epoxy kit includes:

6 Professional-Grade dual cartridge (600 ml (20.2 oz) each) containing Premium Epoxy 121 LV.  Enough material to inject a 1/8" wide 30 ft long crack)
3 Cartridges of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 903 paste
50 Surface injection ports and caps - enough for a 30 ft. long crack, optionally can be changed to corner ports.
10 Corner ports 
7 - 1/4 x 32 element Static mixing nozzles & nut (for use with injection epoxy)
3 Injection hose assemblies with shut-off valve
Trowel and mixing sticks
Syringe of fast setting epoxy for blowouts
Safety goggles & 5 pairs of nitrile gloves
Wire brush and NX-300 Manual dual dispensing tool (300/300-150 ml)
Complete instructions and instructional Flash Drive Video & MSDS Safety Data
Shipping! USA Canada

A 60 ft Epoxy Kit includes:

12 Professional-Grade dual cartridges (600 ml (21.2 oz) each) containing Premium Epoxy 121 LV.  Enough material to inject a 1/8" wide 60 ft long crack)
6 Cartridges of Crack Seal and Port Adhesive type 903 paste
100 Surface injection ports and caps - enough for a 60 ft. long crack, optionally can be changed to corner ports.
10 Corner Ports
13 - 1/4 x 32 element Static mixing nozzles & nut (for use with injection epoxy)
4 Injection hose assemblies with shut-off valve
Trowel and mixing sticks
Syringe of fast setting epoxy for blowouts
Safety goggles & 6 pairs of nitrile gloves
Wire brush and NX-300 Manual dual dispensing tool (300/300-150 ml)
Complete instructions and instructional Flash Drive Video & MSDS Safety Data
Shipping! USA Canada

Alternative injection tools are recommended for large jobs or injecting the 101 Epoxy Paste or the Extra High Viscosity Epoxy. The Heavy Duty Two-Part Epoxy Gun with a 26:1 trust ratio vs. the standard 18:1 ratio that makes dispensing thicker products more manageable. This Epoxy tool has a multi-ratio push-disc for a quick change to other ratio pistons for product mix ratios such as 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 ratios. Or, the Spring-Loaded Two-Part Contractor Epoxy Gun is an upgraded HD version with spring tensioning, which relieves the user from applying constant pressure during epoxy injection. Only occasional activation is required to maintain the pressure on an average of 50 psi. This injection tool is the best choice option during extensive or large projects. The spring reduces user fatigue during the concrete injection repair process.

Other options include adding extra tubes of Epoxy or requesting the exchange of standard surface ports to corner ports to match your concrete foundation crack repair project.


Technical Specifications 1:1 Epoxy
NextStar’s 121 Epoxies is a 1:1 two-component, 100% solids, moisture insensitive epoxy resin system with a high modulus of elasticity. The 1:1 viscosities range from low viscosity (LV) to repair cracks from 1/32nd to 1/8th of an inch wide, medium viscosity (MV) to repair cracks from 1/8th to ¼ of an inch wide, and extra high viscosity (EHV) to repair a crack ¼ of an inch or wider.
All 121 1:1 are special Epoxies that will cure to 32 deg F or 0 C. The typical gel time is 20 minutes.
They thicken rapidly after penetrating the crack to reduce material leaks out the back resulting in an incomplete injection. Meets ASTM Specifications:
Tensile Strength, 8500 Psi ASTM D-638
Tensile Elongation modified 2-4% ASTM D-638
Compressive Strength, 12,000Psi ASTM D-695
Compressive Modulus, 500,000 Psi ASTM D-695 (28 days)
Shear Strength, 5,100 Psi ASTM D-732
Deflection temp: @ 264 psi 126ºF ASTM D-648
Bond Strength, 2,800 Psi ASTM C-882

Technical Specifications 2:1 Epoxy
The 101 Epoxy Injection Paste is a 2:1 component designed to repair large concrete cracks. Lastly, the #4 ultra-low viscosity (ULV) is a 2:1 two-component epoxy resin system designed specifically for hairline or super small cracks. The concrete for 2:1 Epoxies should be 40 Deg F; 10 Deg C or higher to use the ULV and 101 Paste. It takes approximately two days for the 101 to cure and four days for the Ultra Low Viscosity epoxy to cure.

E101 Injection Paste Meets ASTM Specifications:

Tensile Strength, 8500 psi ASTM D-638
Tensile- Elongation, modified 2-4 % ASTM D-638
Compressive Strength, 12000 psi ASTM D-695
Compressive Modulus, 500000 psi ASTM D-695 (28 days)
Shear Strength, 5100 psi ASTM D-732
Deflection Temp. 126ºF @ 264 psi ASTM D-648
Bond Strength, 2800 psi ASTM C-882

Ultra-Low Viscosity# 4 Meets ASTM Specifications:

Tensile Strength 9,500 PSI ASTM D-638

Easy-to-Use as DIY Kit or Upgrade to a Professional Tool same products

DIY Epoxy Crack Injection Kits offer a professional-grade repair solution to any structural cracking in concrete walls. To make a job more convenient, a D-I-Y-er can upgrade to a professional contractor version injection tool. The kit is very user friendly that someone who has minimal construction experience can use it. No construction expertise or specialized knowledge is required because no exterior digging or excavation is needed. The low-pressure epoxy injection process from the inside of the wall to the outside fills the cracks, pores, concrete flaws, voids and, joints in an easy industry standard process. These NextStar Epoxy kits offer the best solution to repair projects that may be structural or predict future problems and are designed explicitly for foundation walls or footings. NextStar’s standard 121 Epoxy injection material will cure down to 32 F and gel in 20 minutes, 10-20 degrees cooler than competitor's products to allow more winter weather repairs or open foundations. All of our injection kits include a flash drive that provides many different repair examples of voids, honeycomb, snap ties, and other scenarios that are quite frequent with concrete wall repair.


Why are Cheaper Kits Not A Good value?

Other concrete crack repair kits on the market use a standard caulking tube and will be short material to fill up the crack or flaw adequately, leaving the repair unfinished. The user is required to buy more products than expected to complete the repair. Most of these tubes are 7-9 oz 185 – 250 ml compared to a single professional-grade dual-tube from NextStar is a full 600 ml. Some other products packaged on the market use a single caulking tube size with an internal piston to dispense equal amounts of the chemical. During this process, it distributes much less material than the applicator anticipated. The retail or universal cartridge will cost you more because you need to purchase more product to complete the repair. A professional-grade dual cartridge system from NextStar provides more injection products in each cartridge.

All epoxy cartridges by any manufacturer have a limited shelf life of one year. The injection product age may be unknown or past the expiry date if purchased at a retail location. NextStar only supplies recently packaged material to extend the use time for our customers. The use of caulking materials or hydraulic cement is a temporary surface patch only and nothing more. Using Nextstar professional-grade injection products for foundation crack repairs will save as the job only needs to be done once. The practical solution against structural wall cracks is a material that reestablishes its original strength and does not lose its integrity over time.
Unlike a crack injection repair kit purchased from a retail location, NextStar provides a dedicated technical support line. All staff is fully experienced and knowledgeable to help customers with any repair questions.

Why Epoxy Crack Injection Works?

NextStar has engineered Epoxy kits to offer a permanent repair solution for structural cracks in concrete foundation walls. There are many reasons why it is more effective than the other options available in the market.  Epoxy, unlike concrete, does not absorb or retain water but will bond the concrete together to form a structural repair joint. The secondary result is no room is left for water to penetrate, enter, or seep.

Epoxy, in general, is much stronger and denser than the concrete itself. Epoxy resins and compounds have been industry standard for many decades. Structural engineers always request Epoxy for a structural crack repair and the default method in commercial applications.

There is a structural advantage when using Epoxy injection or grout with Carbon Fiber for reinforcement. The injection prevents concrete crack compression, and carbon fiber can prevent the concrete from being pulled apart. Using carbon fiber can prevent re-cracking in the future if the wall is deficient in rebar during the original construction or subject to sizeable lateral force on the concrete such as from expansive soils or freeze-thaw situations in most of North America.

When is it recommended to use Epoxy Injection VS Polyurethane?

When you have a poured concrete foundation that is in need of structural reinforcement, it is recommended to use an injection material that provides strength and support to the wall. Polyurethane foam is not suitable for this use. A NextStar Epoxy Kit is customized to offer maximum strength for concrete wall cracks and flaws. Polyurethane Foam resin does not provide any structural strength. Practically the limit for these types of crack injections is ¼ in or (1 cm). In such a case, Nexstar’s Epoxy Foundation Crack Repair Kits are the ideal choice.  For structural bonding, Epoxy Resin is used in a similar method and injected with low pressure but cements the concrete back together as one solid wall.  If the wall has seasonal movement, you should reinforce the foundation wall cracks with Carbon Fiber wall reinforcement after the injection repair.

Structural cracks in basement walls are usually horizontal.

Large horizontal or diagonal cracks are a sign of structural problems, and you may need to contact a local structural engineer for recommendations.

Dealing with Ultra-Small Cracks and Snap-Tie holes

Ultra fine concrete cracks that are less than 1/64 inch wide or form ties (snap ties) that have rusted it is recommended to use the #4 Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy.  Use a spring-loaded epoxy tool as it may take an extended time to penetrate the concrete wall. The ULV Epoxy is very slow to set and cure so it will allow for the extra injection time.

When is Epoxy not suitable, and you should use Polyurethane Foams?

We recommend using the Polyurethane Injection kits when sealing and waterproofing non-structural small cracks in poured concrete walls. Low-pressure foundation crack injection is the simplest recommended solution for walls that are leaking, wet, or damp cracks. NextStar Poly kits are excellent for concrete fractures from 1/32 inch wide (1 mm) to ¼ inch wide (6.5 mm). Examples:

Active leaking cracks.

NextStar offers Polyurethane kits using either low-pressure or high-pressure injection methods.  Nextstar’s High-Pressure Polyurethane crack injection repair kits are a better choice if a wall crack is small and actively leaking water, previously repaired, or continuously damp but not visible.  The repair can be completed successfully even if the wall is wet, providing the crack is non-structural.

Example of when Polyurethane Concrete Foundation Injection is the best solution

Once non-structural cracks develop in a poured concrete foundation wall, the crack often remains stable or unchanged over time and can be injected with polyurethane to stop water from penetrating through from the outside.  Basement Foundation wall cracks are commonly vertical or diagonal, and many begin in the edge of the poured window opening.  An effective repair product to use for this type of foundation flaw is Polyurethane Foam Resin. Polyurethane foam remains flexible and allows for concrete's natural thermal movement.  Contact with water causes a hydrophobic reaction in the Polyurethane to vigorously expand 10 to 20 times its original volume filling the entire flaw, void, length, crack depth, and sometimes the wall's exterior.  When adequately injected, water will not penetrate through the crack again!


Tips & Notes for Repair of cracked foundation walls and cracks

Take your time to complete the crack repair process; it can take up to 5 minutes for the Epoxy Resin to travel to the next port.
Very Small Hairline Cracks require that you warm the tubes of Low or Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy Cartridges in advance by placing them in hot water.
Above Ground Exterior Cracks on the foundation's exterior needs to be sealed over with epoxy paste or hydraulic concrete to keep the product inside the wall during the injection and curing process.
Corner Wall Cracks - the standard injection ports can be cut or bent to fit in a corner crack if you have no corner ports or add the option to your order.
Spring Loaded Contractor Epoxy Injection Tool. We recommended if you plan to do 30 or more feet of repairs or plan to use thicker viscosity, it can be a large labor saver on your hands, maintaining pressure.
Dry Concrete walls: The wall you are applying the sealing epoxy paste should be dry and clean. A wet internal wall does not prevent the Epoxy's bonding, but the results will be better if the surface is as dry as possible.
Not sure how much injection Epoxy you will need check or online volume calculator .

Nextstar Technologies offers high-quality epoxy foundation repair kits for structural wall cracks. Our DIY kit includes low-pressure injection epoxy, ideal for foundation repairs. Upgrade to our contractor kit for larger projects.
Your Online Foundation and Concrete crack repair Super Store