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  • Basement and foundation crack repair for leaking basement foundations

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Concrete Cracks

    Premium Polyurethane foam or Epoxy injection for basement concrete foundation cracks, to stop leaking foundations or repair of structural foundation walls using Epoxy.

  • Picture of concrete floor crack repair using cartridge system

    Repair of broken concrete slab floors

    Slab Floors

    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete floor slabs. Solutions for structural repair of concrete slabs including carbon fiber solutions for reinforcement.

  •  Concrete foundation reinforcement with carbon fiber stronger than steel

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NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairCategory ListPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairRelated ItemsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Port Low Pressure STANDARD Surface Crack Injection
Injection ports for low-pressure concrete crack injection. Can be injected directly from a mixer or a feed hose. Use with all epoxy and polyurethane cartridge products.
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$0.85 USD

Port Low Pressure CORNER Crack Injection
Injection corner ports for low-pressure injection repairs in the corner or drilled injection locations. Can be used with all Epoxy and Polyurethane products.
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$0.90 USD

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Port Low Pressure Extra Low Profile Crack Injection Surface
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Port Low Pressure Extra Low Profile Crack Injection Surface
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Port Low Pressure Extra Low Profile Crack Injection Surface

Item #:NX2814
$1.55 USD
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Extra Low profile surface Injection port 

The Extra Low Profile Surface Port is a modular injection port for the repair of foundation cracks. The Emecole Low Profile Surface Port consists of a base very similar to the standard  Surface Ports. The Low Profile Surface Port's unique design makes it an indispensable injection accessory for both epoxies and polyurethane foams. It may be used in combination with both Emecole Surface Ports and Emecole Corner Surface Ports or used alone as a low-profile port. The Emecole Low Profile Surface Port can be easily capped after removing the extension. The leftover port is only 1/4" off the foundation wall.


The Extra Low Profile Surface Port's base is separate from the stem section of the port. The stem and base can be attached for the injection process, and then separated after the injection is complete. The base is then capped with a low-profile cap. The net result is that after the injection process is finished, there is typically no need to remove the ports from the wall in many situations as the port barely exceeds the thickness of the surface seal on the wall.

The Extra low profile surface port's stem can be attached to our standard surface ports or corner surface ports, resulting in an extended stem length when necessary.

Extra-low profile surface port for low-pressure crack injection. Use where the ports cannot protrude from the surface.Behind or hard to access areas.
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