• Concrete Epoxy crack injection repair kits

    Concrete ULV Epoxy Crack Injection

    Epoxy Injection

    Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy by Nextstar is your choice in concrete crack repair for foundations with structural problems. National # 1-866-445-3984

  • epoxy concrete crack repair products epoxy injection kits for concrete foundations and supplies

    Foundation Epoxy Crack Injection kits

    Ultra Thin

    Ulta Thin Epoxy for concrete crack injection products is used by contractors and professionals for foundations with structural cracks. Offering a solution to restore concrete to its original strength.

  • concrete foundation crack injection repair kit with epoxy

    Foundation Crack Repair Kits

    Concrete Cracks

    Ultra-small concrete cracks repaired with Nextstar ULV epoxy. Ultra-low Viscosity.

  • concrete foundation restoration and structural reinforcement

    Repair of Cracked foundation walls


    Preferred solutions that can effectively repair common problems with broken or cracked concrete. Solutions for structural repair of concrete including carbon fiber solutions for reinforcement with Epoxy.

  • Low Pressure epoxy crack injection

    Concrete Restoration

    Fine Cracks

    Epoxy injections allow the permanent repair of wall spalls caused by unconsolidated concrete. They are weak spots in the wall and should be injected with epoxy. Typically found in ICF and poured concrete walls that were not vibrated when poured.

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ULV #4 Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy For Super Small Cracks
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
ULV #4 Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy For Super Small Cracks
Item Name:

ULV #4 Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy For Super Small Cracks

Item #:NX2302
Ultra fine cracks
$45.25 USD
Average Rating:
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem OptionsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Cartridge Tool
Dual Cartridge Tool (Add $35.00 USD)
Jug Packaging Options
1.5 Quarts (2.8L) in Jugs (Add $78.00 USD)
3 Gallons (11L) in Jugs (Add $361.00 USD)
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem PricePolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
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Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy for Concrete Wall Crack Repair

# 4 Epoxy is an ultra-low viscosity

Standard Packaging is 150X300ML Tubesets, with total volume 450mL

Tube 450ML Dual cartridge

A two-component epoxy resin system is designed specifically for gravity feeding or low-pressure injection. #4 Ultra-low viscosity resin is excellent for the repair of cracks by gravity feeding. This 100% solids resin is insensitive to the presence of water, allowing application on damp concrete surfaces. Applied with standard injection equipment, it will effectively grout and seal cracks in horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces. This product can be used for crack repair in walls, it is thin enough to penetrate up to 2 in of #4 Sil sand on slab repairs from gravity alone. This epoxy should only be applied if the concrete is 40 degrees F or 10 Degrees C or higher, allowing approximately four days to cure. It is very effective with low-pressure injection as slower setup time allows extended injection time for complete penetration into cracks.

  • Ultra-Thin 40cps
  • Optionally Mix by hand
  • Slow cure time
  • Can be mixed with sand
  • Several packaging options
  • Gravity feed, Low-pressure wall injection
  • Insensitive to moisture
  • 2:1 Mix Ratio


Ultra Low Viscosity Epoxy
2:1 Ratio
Technical Specifications
Mix Ratio
Dual Cartridge Volume Total 450

Typical Properties: Value (average)


Viscosity A
Viscosity B

Mixed Viscosity
Lowest Temperature cure
Pot-Life 300gm
Tack Free Time
Final Cure 75% Ultimate Strength
Tensile Strength: ASTM D-638
Tensile Elongation ASTM D-638
Compressive Strength, ASTM D-695
Bond St, Dry Concrete ASTM C-882
Bond St, Wet Concrete ASTM C-882


Packaged in 450ML Tubes 2:1 ratio and requires an application tool.

Packaged in  150x300ML Tubes supplied with nut, mixer, and flow restrictor.

Optional packing in mini-bulk 3-quart or 3-gallon format to be mixed by hand.

The Mixer recommended for this LV Epoxy is the 1/4x 32  static mixer 

Price per 450ml Tube set

USES for ULV Epoxy

A) Structural repair of cracked concrete by pressure injection, grouting.

B) Monolithic restoration of delaminated concrete.

C) Grouting material when mixed with aggregate.

D) Gravity feed epoxy repairs

# 4 ULV Epoxy is an ultra-low viscosity Two-component epoxy resin system designed specifically for gravity feeding or low-pressure injection. #4 low viscosity resin is excellent for the repair of small or ultra-small cracks in Concrete.
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