• NextStar technologies concrete crack foundation waterproofing and repair using polyurethane foam injection

    Polyurethane Foam kits for Concrete Foundation repair

    Leaking cracks

    Premium Polyurethane kits are specially designed to be easy to use but still give professional and permanent repair results to stop leaking cracks to waterproof your foundation. See Kits Below

  • concrete foundation crack repair products polyurethane and epoxy injection

    Online Store

    Quality Supply

    Nextstar concrete crack repair products are used to repair poured concrete foundation cracks. NextStar provides full support after the sale to make sure you have successful and professional results.

  • concrete foundation crack repair with polyurethane foam low pressure crack injection

    Leaking Foundation Crack repair

    Leaking Cracks

    Professional results with Polyurethane of leaking basement concrete cracks, Polyurethane foam is used for leaking foundations using the low pressure crack injection methods . Easy to use kits.

  • High Quality foundation  kits using polyurethane foam using low pressure crack injection

    Wet Leaking walls and openings


    Polyurethane foam can effectively penetrate completely through a wall to permanently stop foundation water leaks and is industry standard for non-structural concrete crack leak problems.

  • Low Pressure polyurethane crack injection

    Polyurethane Crack Injection


    Low Pressure crack injection with polyurethane foam is a proven, easy and effective way to waterproof basement foundations that is permanent.

102 Polyurethane Foam Concrete Crack injection
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Polyurethane 102 Injection Foam for Non-Structural Cracks
NextStar-technologies-concrete-foundation-crack-injection-repairItem DetailsPolyurethane-crack-injection-kits
Polyurethane 102 Injection Foam for Non-Structural Cracks
Item Name:

Polyurethane 102 Injection Foam for Non-Structural Cracks

Item #:NX2102
Small - Medium Sized Cracks
$42.00 USD
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Polyurethane for leaking concrete foundation crack repair (walls)

Nextstar 102 is a hydrophobic polyurethane liquid that is designed to stop water infiltration or exfiltration. When 102 meets water, it reacts with it and then repels any excess water forming a closed-cell foam barrier that will not allow water to pass through it. It adheres tenaciously to practically all substrates, wet or dry.
Nextstar 102 is typically used to stop water leaks coming through cracked or honeycombed concrete, voids between wall and floor, wall and ceilings, expansion joints, cold joints, and pipe intrusions. NextStar102 is designed to be used when greater than 20% movement (expansion and contraction) of the substrate is anticipated or where epoxy is not considered as necessary.

Nextstar Polyurethane 102 Uses

102 is used to repair concrete walls, ceilings basement cracks that are leaking. It is the most commonly used product for general foundation crack repair that is nonstructural that may be leaking. This is the standard product Poured basement wall crack repair. The standard for use in cracks from 1/32 - 3/16in poured concrete.


Used using standard low-pressure crack injection methods, with dual cartridge tool.

Packaged in Dual 300ML Tubes supplied with nut, mixer, and flow restrictor.
Contractors with special pricing must Purchase retaining nut and static mixers separately.

The Mixer recommended for this polyurethane is the 1/4x 24  static mixer.

Price per 600ml Tube set

Density (core) Free Rise 2.02 LBS/FT ASTM D-1622
Low-Temperature ASTM D-2126
Aging (-20f) (shrinkage) <4% 1 DAY  (shrinkage) <4% 7 DAYS
Water Absorption (volume confined) <1% ASTM D-2127
Shear Strength 34 PSI ASTM C-273
Tensile Strength 150 PSI ASTM D-1623
Elongation 275% ASTM D-1623
Viscosity 100-200 CPS  
100% Solids
Color AMBER   TDI Content 0%

Other Polyurethane Crack Injection Products 

Picture of other polyurethanes used for leaking concrete crack injection

Links to the other Polyurethanes 

NextStar 103 Dual Cartridge Polyurethane Cracks Larger than 3/16
Koster 2N1 Dual Cartridge Polyurethane

NextStar 120 Dual Cartridge Structural Foam For large cracks only

NextStar 100-800 High-Pressure Polyurethane used with Electric High-Pressure Pump or Manual Tool

Standard Crack Injection Polyurethane foam to repair leaking concrete foundation basement wall cracks in basements and crawl spaces. It Can be used when freeze-thaw expansion and contraction are present.
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